Bat Activity 2014

Mar 28, 2017 (Last modified Apr 1, 2017)
Created by Ted Weller
Open Map
Recommended by Ted Weller
Map depicting total bat activity recorded by a detector on a given night.  Use the time-slider to change the date depicted on the map.  Some sites may report 0 bat detections because they only report species-specific identifications and not total number of recordings from a given night.
Ted Weller
Use Constraints
Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

About the Map Author

Ted Weller
Ecologist with USDA Forest Service

I helped Conservation Biology Institute to vision the Bat Acoustic Monitoring Portal and am your go to source for the the bat-related questions you may have about BatAMP as well as the first person you should contact with questions about uploads, permissions etc. More broadly, I am an ecologist...